

Coach | Creator | Ceo

I used to struggle with hitting goals and making progress when it came to the things that matter. My health, career goals, relationships, and lifestyle took a toll on me daily. I had a lack of motivation, discipline, and consistency. This made me believe I would never make it or hit the goals I set. One day I decided enough was enough and it was time to become a new ME. Now, I live for progress. My goal is to become the best version of myself & my mission is to help other people do the same.

How Can I Help You?

As a transformation coach I help struggling men and women transform their health in the shortest time possible. This app was created with you in mind for that exact purpose. I want you to get immediate results while being able to save both time and money.

How can we help each other?

I have laid the foundation for you, training, nutrition, coaching, accountability, everything you need to level up. All I ask from you is that your consistent, follow your plan, and believe in yourself. JasD CEO CheckedIn The Lifestyle Owner TrainWithJasD

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